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Campus aerial with drone

Drone education supplements many majors

At Carroll University, we offer Wisconsin’s first Aviation Science and Unmanned Aircraft Systems minor. Find out how our students are broadening their career prospects.

Award badge on a background of a blurry computer

Carroll Ranked Seventh in Graphic Design

Carroll University has been ranked seventh on a list of the 25 top schools offering bachelor's degrees in graphic design, according to GradReports’ 2020 Best Colleges list.

Marissa Garretto

A Life Changing Experience

Marissa Garetto '17 journeyed to Japan for a cross-cultural experience. Now a graduate, she has moved back to Japan to continue exploring the culture.

thumbnail of Danica Molina

Molina earns FBLA national honor

Danica Molina, a 2019 graduate who won two first-place awards in the Wisconsin Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda competition, recently snagged second place in desktop publishing in the national contest.

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Panoramic View of campus