Carroll University has been ranked No. 7 on a list of the 25 top schools offering bachelor's degrees in graphic design, according to GradReports’ 2020 Best Colleges list. Other schools on the list included Rochester Institute of Technology, Brigham Young University, California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo, Illinois State and Bradley University.
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The list is based on median salary one year out of college, and GradReports says the rankings are based on over 10,000 college degree programs and the starting salary data of more than five million graduates. Covering more than 70 majors at the bachelor’s and master’s levels, as well as the 20 most popular online degree programs, the rankings help prospective students determine what they might expect to earn if they graduate from a particular school with a particular major.
Graphic Design at Carroll University is an interdisciplinary major from the graphic design, art, business, and computer science programs. This major is offered in conjunction with an internship and a capstone experience in which students independently create real world projects. The two minors offered within Graphic Design are aimed toward students who plan to major in other academic programs and acknowledge the integrated usefulness of Graphic Design within their major area of study.
Learn more about Carroll's Graphic Design program