Tim Wallace '25

Major: Biochemistry, Pre-Dentistry Emphasis

What got you interested in joining the honors program?

What first got me interested in Carroll’s Honors Program was my participation in honors during high school. To me, it just seemed like the next logical step to continue Honors into college. But I quickly learned that honors at Carroll was vastly different from honors at my high school. As an honors student at Carroll, you are given the opportunity to both learn and live with like-minded individuals who value academic excellence and personal growth. It’s been said that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. In honors, you are surrounded by peers and mentors who value your progress as a student, and ultimately a human being. In high school, honors was essentially a club. At Carroll, it’s a mindset, a community, and a lifestyle.

What is the coursework of an honors class like compared to a regular class?

The honors classes I took, which were Introduction to Health Communication and the World since 1945, allowed for content immersion that highlighted how there are multiple angles, perspectives, and understandings of a subject matter through real life experience. For my Introduction to Health Communication class, my final product acted as a simulation of how I would work in a team to prepare for a program proposal using multimodal communication based on analytical literature. As for my World since 1945 class, I was able to participate in a roleplaying game that had us re-enact the cuban missile crisis from the American, Cuban, and United Nation standpoint with directions on how we were to accomplish our goal. Just from these two classes alone, one can see how Carroll’s Honors program values its student’s education through creating course content that would not only peak our interest but instill in us lifelong skills that we can take with us in pursuing our future careers. For me, these two classes taught me how to engage with my peers and how all of our actions and words have an impact on whatever we do. In learning this I can say with confidence that these skills have helped me hone my conflict resolution and decision making processes.

Can you describe a unique classroom experience you had in an honors class?

As a member of Honors, I had the opportunity to take part in and test out a new course offering at Carroll studying Artificial Intelligence and its growing influence in the world of art. It was a very unique experience to be learning about a topic that was so actively affecting our society. As part of the class, we first learned about various art forms: music, design, poetry, etc. Then we learned how Artificial Intelligence can create such art. It was fascinating to compare the art made by a human versus a machine. The success of this course helped pave the way for a new Artificial Intelligence minor at Carroll.

Can you describe your experience living in the honors Living Learning Community (LLC)?

I have found living in the Honors LLC to be an excellent experience! In the LLC, you are placed in a tight-nit community where you constantly have access to help and collaboration with your fellow students. The benefit of living with, going to class with, and studying with like-minded individuals cannot be overstated. Additionally, you are given a mentor to guide you throughout your first year of school. I found my mentor to be extremely helpful as a new student. I enjoyed living in the LLC so much that I pursued being the Resident Assistant there the upcoming year.

What has been the most impactful experience thus far in your Carroll University Honors journey?

Of all my experiences within the Honors Program, it’s challenging to pick the most impactful of them all. After some careful thought, the answer I’d give may be surprising. I would say having meals with the faculty. Every so often in the Honors Program, students and faculty will get together for a meal. It’s during this time that faculty can get students opinions on assorted topics within the program. But what I enjoy most about these meals is the time to really get to know your professors personally. To talk to them about things you really enjoy and get comfortable with them. I believe the effects of this can be seen in the classroom. When students know their professors on a personal level, they feel more comfortable taking risks and making mistakes that lead to growth.

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