Earn up to $18,000 in micro-scholarships per year, which will be part of your financial aid award from Carroll University. It's easy when you create an account on Raise.me.

Step 1: Sign Up

Sign up on Carroll University's Raise.me page.

Step 2: Record Your Accomplishments

Track your accomplishments in high school. Example accomplishments:
  • Volunteer in your community: $15 per hour
  • Participate in an extracurricular activity: $150 per year
  • Get an A: $600 per core course
  • Take an AP or IB Course: $250-$1,600 per course

Step 3: Automatically Earn

Automatically earn money towards your Carroll University education. Your Micro-Scholarship represents a minimum amount of grant aid or scholarship you can expect to receive from Carroll if you apply, are admitted and enroll.

Estimate your cost to attend Carroll

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