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Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Kareem Muhammad

Reimagining the Liberal Arts at Carroll

As Carroll celebrates 175 years of rich liberal arts tradition, the new Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Kareem Muhammad, hopes to build on that legacy.

Do Not Take My Breath Away

Rather than leaning into the biases, racism, and micro-aggressions that would otherwise divide us, a liberal arts education helps us recognize how diversity encourages empathy that unites us.

Why I can't say "I can't imagine"

I want to say “I can’t imagine” the terror those mothers feel, but truthfully, I am required to imagine their terror. I am required by the gift of shared humanity, required by my privilege, to empathize with those mothers, their sons, their families. I am required by the regular reminders of police culture to demand more, to demand better: to demand justice.

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