CU in the Workplace | Jen Christianson '15

Author: Office of Alumni Engagement

Published Date: 10/4/2019

Categories: Alumni Biology CU in the Workplace

Our October "CU in the Workplace" video features alumna Jen Christianson '15, who came to Carroll as a non-traditional student. She sought to switch gears after being in the workforce for 10 years already. Carroll offered her that chance through her relationships with professors and fields of scientific study that helped her later thrive as an immunologist. Now an immunology product development scientist for Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production, based in Waukesha, Wisconsin, she maintains her relationships at nearby Carroll and has helped build a partnership with the university. That bridge has created pathways for other Carroll interns and graduates working with Jen in the Arm & Hammer labs.

Video Ratio size 16 by 9 Carroll University Video


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