Serve as child development consultant for Fox6 developing content for regular news segments related to child and adolescent mental health
Work as a Fellow at Rogers Behavioral Health in the Focus Depression Recovery program for adults and OCD, Depression and Anxiety program for children
Serve on the Montessori School of Waukesha Teacher Training Center advisory board
Lahner, J. M., Hayslip, B., McKelvy, T. N., & Caballero, D. M. (2014). Employee Age and Reactions to Downsizing. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 79, 225-255.
Halfhill, T., Sundstrom, E., Lahner, J. M., Calderone, W. K., & Nielson, T. M. (2005). Group personality composition and group effectiveness: An integrative review of empirical research. Small Group Research, 36, 83-105.
Lahner, J. M. & Hayslip, B. (2003). Gender differences in parental reactions to the birth of a premature low birth weight infant. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 18, 71-88.
Shafer, M., Lahner, J. M., Calderone, W. K., Davis, J., & Petrie, T. A. (2002). The use and effectiveness of a web-based instructional supplement in a college student success program. Journal of College Student Development, 413, 751-757.
Wohl, E. C., Lahner, J. M., & Jooste, J. (2002). Group processes among custodial grandparents. In B. Hayslip (Ed.), Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. New York: Springer Publishing.
McIntyre, A., Lahner, J. M., Brady, C., Briley, V. (2019, October) Surviving City Management. Invited panel participant. International City/County Management Association. Nashville, TN.
Lahner, Kevin & Lahner, Jessica M. (2017, October) Manager-Proofing Your Relationship. Presentation given to the International City/County Management Association. San Antonio, TX.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2014, September). Encouraging Childhood Literacy. Invited presentation given as part of the United Way’s Imagination Library program. United Way of Racine County. Burlington, WI.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2008, April). Generational Differences in Local Government. Invited presentation given to the Wisconsin City Management Association. Elm Grove, WI.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2008, January). Recruiting Generation X & Y. Invited workshop presented to the National Association of Athletic Trainers. Dallas, TX.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2007, September). Teaching to the Generations. Invited workshop given to the faculty of the College of Business and Technology at Tarrant County College, Southeast Campus.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2007, August). Teaching to the Generations. Invited presentation given to the faculty of the College of Business and Sciences at Tarrant County College, South Campus.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2007, August). Bridging the Generation Gap at Work. Invited workshop presented to the Keller Chamber of Commerce.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2007, April). Intergenerational Conflict in the Workplace. Invited panel participant for the Masters of Public Administration Annual Alumni Conference at the University of North Texas.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2007, March). Proactively Managing Your Career. Invited workshop presented to the Urban Management Assistants of North Texas.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2005). Employee Age and Reactions to Downsizing. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.
Lahner, Jessica M. & Hayslip, Bert Jr. (2005). The Impact of Downsizing on Survivors’ Career Development: A Test of Super’s Theory. Presented as part of the Employment, Age, and Work Demands Symposium at the Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychologists, Washington, D.C.
Halfhill, T., Sundstrom, E., Lahner, J. M., Calderone, W. K., & Nielson, T. M. (2002, April). Personality Composition and Group Effectiveness: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at 17th Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychologists, Toronto, Canada.
Halfhill, T., Sundstrom, E., Lahner, J. M., & Calderone, W. K. (2001, May). Group personality composition and group effectiveness: An integrative review of empirical research. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the American Psychological Society, Toronto, Canada.
Shafer, M. E., Lahner, J. M., Calderone, W. K., Davis, J. E., & Petrie, T. (2000, Nov.) Using the Internet as a teaching instrument among college students: A preliminary analysis. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the College Reading and Learning Association, Sparks, Nevada.
Calderone, W. K., Lahner, J. M., Davis, J. E., Safer, M. E., & Petrie, T. A. (2000, Sept.) Psychology 1000: An academic effectiveness course at the University of North Texas. Paper presented at the Texas Psychological Association/Oklahoma Psychological Association Joint Annual Convention, Dallas, TX.
Lahner, Jessica M. (2000, August). The origins of community mental health: The Lindemann model. Paper presented at the 108th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.