Joseph J. Hemmer, Jr. Award to the Outstanding Student in Communication
Winner: Allison Calteux | Communication and Sociology
This award recognizes academic achievement of an outstanding graduating senior in communication as selected by the communication faculty.
Communication Capstone Project Award
Winner: Grace Krueger | Communication and Sociology
This award is presented to the senior communication major with the most outstanding original research project as selected by the communication faculty.
“Grace Krueger is the recipient of the Communication Department Capstone Award. Grace is a Communication major who is also a 3+3 Direct Admit to PT student. For her Communication capstone project, Grace investigated online support groups for invisible disability. She collected extensive data and her thorough analysis discovered a number of useful insights including how people with invisible disability seek and provide emotional and informational support for one another. The thesis included an extensive visual map for her findings demonstrated the depth and breadth of her understanding of the topic. While application to a future career is not a requirement of a capstone topic, Grace’s work gives her an excellent foundation for working with patients in her future practice. The superiority of Grace’s research efforts matches the efforts across her 3 years with our department. She is conscientious, bright, and kind. She will be a wonderful physical therapist and we congratulate Grace on her acceptance into Carroll’s PT graduate program.”
— Dr. Rebecca Imes, Associate Professor of Communication
Journal Communications Scholarship
Winner: Caitlyn McGeary | Communication and Sociology
This scholarship is presented to a journalism/communication student who has attained academic achievement and involvement in campus or community media opportunities.
“Caitlyn McGeary is a junior Communication major with a minor in Creative Writing. She is an excellent writer, with skill in both expository and creative writing. Of her knack for writing, Caitlyn says, "I've had an interest in writing the minute I realized I could also make the stories that I enjoyed reading." An outstanding student, Caitlyn has never failed to qualify for the Dean's List at Carroll. After graduation, she hopes to work in public relations, where she can apply her interests in writing and social media.”
— Dr. Barbara King, Associate Professor of Communication
Richard Quinney Award
Winner: Skyler Feuerstein | Communication and Sociology
This award is presented to the outstanding criminal justice major or minor in honor of Richard Quinney ’56, an eminent criminologist with an international reputation for scholarship.
“Skyler Feuerstein is a dedicated student who sees difficult tasks as approachable and surmountable. We have watched him grow over the past four years into a thinker and doer in classes, office hours, and through his internships. Skyler is a researcher who wants to figure out truths of our social world in various topics related to criminal justice including law enforcement communication and sexual assault rape kits. He has passion to find and promote justice – something we trust he will continue doing in his career. Congratulations Skyler – we are proud!”
— Dr. Jennifer Huck, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Chair of the Department of Communication and Sociology
Actuarial Science Major of the Year Award
Winner: David Andrew Lembke
This award goes to the outstanding graduating senior majoring in Actuarial Science.
“David passed 4 actuarial science professional exams prior to graduating, putting him in rare company. He was an exceptionally talented, hard working student. One of the best I’ve had in 25 years here at Carroll.”
— Dr. John Symms, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Mathematics Major of the Year Award
Winner: Bryanna Hanson
This award goes to the outstanding mathematics major.
Tom Y. Stine Sociology Award
Winners: Allyson L. Gorman and Mollie E. Theis | Communication and Sociology
This award recognizes the excellence in scholarship, service and achievement of the outstanding major in sociology.
Gordon Folsom English Award
Winner: Madelyn Spindler | English and Modern Languages
This award recognizes academic achievement of the most outstanding senior majoring in English, as selected by the English faculty.
“The English and Writing program is proud to present this year’s Gordon Folsom Award to Madelyn Spindler. Madelyn is that rare student whose talent and work ethic are both equally exceptional. Her facility with language and sharp intellect have helped her to excel in courses across campus, whether she is crafting reports and giving presentations in professional writing classes or exploring the abstract boundaries of representation in advanced literature seminars. Her plan for a senior thesis hinged on one of those ridiculously sprawling ideas that only the most brilliant students, still processing information from a half dozen classes, could propose. She wanted to encapsulate social, intellectual, and institutional changes across 250 years of British history through works as diverse as John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories. In the face of skepticism and candid (or as she would probably say, harsh) criticism of her early formulations, Madelyn persisted, researching and revising until her argument was both coherently sprawling and strikingly nuanced. The final product was a first rate work of literary criticism worthy of publication.
In addition to her talents as a writer, she generously brought her insights to the classroom, her work for the department, and her role as the student recruiter for English majors. When she reached out to prospective students, she described her own experiences and provided valuable student mentorship while listening and responding enthusiastically to their questions. With her ample capacity for discernment, she will be difficult to replace and will be much missed here at Carroll.”
— Dr. Timothy Galow, Associate Professor of English
Viola Wendt Award
Winner: Gabriel Mundo | English and Modern Languages
This award recognizes academic achievement of the most outstanding senior majoring in writing, as selected by the English faculty.
“The English and Writing program is proud to present this year’s Viola Wendt Award to Gabriel Mundo. As a Creative Writing minor, Gabe has shown his skill in many genres, but he has truly shined in his chosen genre of poetry. Gabe’s poetry is shaped primarily by his experiences as a Mexican-American. He writes most often about everyday life with race as the implicit or explicit backdrop, exploring the tension between the cultural identities of Mexico and America. His poems use deceptively straightforward diction and syntax, but his work is characterized by cutting figurative language and the penchant for choosing the perfect details for a scene. “You take your first punch and learn / that anything can be a knife / with enough ambition,” he writes. Gabe’s work is measured and thoughtful, containing so many well-wrought lines that linger and haunt well beyond the reading of the poem.
In class, Gabe was insightful, probing, and generous. His comments in writing workshops showed a thorough level of inquiry. He treated the texts we discussed with seriousness, giving thoughtful, supportive critiques to his peers. Gabe treated his peers’ work and his own work with deep care, encouraging everyone in the class to improve their writing.
We’re excited that Gabe will continue to write and study poetry at the graduate level in an MFA program beginning this fall, and we’re very happy to present him with this award.”
— Dr. B.J. Best, Associate Professor of English and Chair of the Department of English and Modern Languages
Modern Languages and Literatures Award
Winner: Kally Dey | English and Modern Languages
This award is presented to a Spanish major and minor in recognition of enthusiastic commitment to the Spanish language, Hispanic cultures, and dedicated service to the Hispanic community.
“Throughout the years Kally Dey has continually proven herself to be an exceptional young woman in the classroom and beyond. She is graduating from Carroll with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with an emphasis in Pre-Medicine and a minor in Biochemistry, and a near perfect GPA. During her time at Carroll she has combined her interests in Spanish and medicine in meaningful ways, and within the Spanish program Kally stands out for both her language skills and her leadership. In class she continually takes it upon herself to lead small group activities and does an excellent job of including all of her classmates. She asks thoughtful questions and contributes to class discussions with insightful commentary. Outside of the classroom Kally has served as student Vice President of the SALUD (Science and Language Undergraduate Development) program, as a Supplemental Instruction Mentor, and a Supplemental Instruction Leader, to name but a few of her leadership roles. Off campus Kally has volunteered with countless community organizations that serve the Hispanic population and has worked with Global Medical Brigades on multiple trips to Latin America. She was president of the organization for the 2019 trip to Panama, in fact, and coordinated with in-country personnel to recruit volunteers, plan for the experience, and facilitate reflection. Next year Kally plans to pursue her medical degree in family medicine, OBGYN, or oncology. Her goal is to work in an underserved community where she can continue to use her knowledge of the Spanish language and cultures to help eliminate health disparities and improve the lives of underrepresented populations. Kally is a role model for her peers and is truly deserving of this year’s Modern Language award. Everyone in the Spanish program is very proud of her!”
— Dr. Jessica Boll, Associate Professor of Spanish, Modern Languages & Literature
Global Studies Award
Winner: Madison Mahr | History, Politics and Religion
This award recognizes the achievements of the most outstanding upperclassmen in Global Studies.
“Madison is really the picture not only of an ideal Global Studies major but is an exemplary example of the type of young adult we want our students to become. Madison came to Carroll already having some facility in German, and dedicated herself to developing her capacity not only with the language but also to gaining a greater understanding of the world from other perspectives. She immediately started to plan for these opportunities when she came to Carroll, pulling together all of the requirements necessary to spend her spring semester sophomore year abroad in Austria, working on her German, and learning about the country. Madison attended university in Austria and spent time getting to explore and learn about other parts of central Europe. Upon return, Madison did not sit still. She wanted more, so she pursued more, both in her classes and by securing another opportunity to study abroad, this time in Germany. And yet that was still not enough. When she returned as a senior, she dedicated herself to maintaining her facility in German while working on completing her final courses at Carroll. One of those courses has been our department’s Capstone, where Madison focused her research on Germany’s experience with the refugee crisis, specifically analyzing the way that Germans have responded to the wave of refugees coming from Syria. What is incredibly impressive about this thesis is that Madison has drawn on research, surveys, data, and other materials in both English and German. Her work integrates information and analysis in two languages, which has resulted in an excellent and more authentic analysis of the shifting political dynamics in Germany with regard to the incoming refugees.
Madison shows no signs of slowing down, despite this challenging end to her time at Carroll. We expect great things from her and look forward to seeing all she is able to achieve.”
— Dr. Lilly Goren, Professor of Political Science & Dr. Patty Rodda, Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations
History Award
Winner: Elaine Yarger | History, Politics and Religion
This award is presented to the graduating history major or minor who, in the determination of the history faculty, has most successfully given evidence of academic accomplishment and service to the campus community.
“Not only has Elaine taken more classes with me than anyone else, I’m quite confident that she’s taken more classes with me than any student ever has in a four-year period. We’ve worked together on learning about Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation history, medieval Latin, on her capstone about Irish history, and she has been a wonderful teaching fellow in my honors course. Not only that, but we spent a summer, which included two weeks in London digging through archives, researching Irish immigration into London in the seventeenth century. And I do mean that we worked together in all these endeavors, as Elaine has always been the sort of student to commit herself to her learning, working with her professors to learn everything she can and squeeze all she can out of each course. She really knows how to be an active partner in learning.
Elaine has always been a joy to have around, bringing excitement, enthusiasm, and laughter to the history department, where she has quite literally left her mark. Walking around Explorer House, one will find relics from Soviet history, information about history students in their native environment, as well as oddly placed hand turkeys and other decorations that are all thanks to Elaine’s particular creative genius. Just as she has lent her quirky creativity to Charles House, she has contributed the same kind of energy to the classroom. Always eager to contribute to discussions, she has boundless energy and enthusiasm, as well as a quick mind and wit, which makes teaching a joy.
For all of these reasons, we will all miss having her in the classroom. However, I can’t be sad to see her go, because I know she is ready for the next step: graduate school at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee where she will study library science and history. Soon Elaine will bring the bring her wit, intelligence, and work ethic to bear helping future generations of students, scholars, and academics. We are all very proud of her!”
— Dr. Scott Hendrix, Associate Professor of History
Kim E. Simarski Memorial Award
Winner: Caitlin Riordan | History, Politics and Religion
This honor is awarded to a history major or minor who has not only achieved academic distinction and demonstrated effective campus leadership, but who plans to continue his/her education beyond the bachelor’s degree.
“Caitlin Riordan is this year’s recipient of the Kim Simarski Award. This award (can you cut and paste the description of the award?). Caitlin is a history major and a Spanish minor who has impressed all of the history faculty with her humor, flexibility, and work ethic. Caitlin is a joy to have in class; she is willing to participate, even on days when she may not have quite gotten enough sleep, and her questions and comments reflect her passion for history and her intellectual creativity. Caitlin has a true “historical imagination,” in that she is able to see the connections between disparate pieces of evidence and then is able to weave them into a historical narrative. She demonstrated this ability last fall, when she took capstone as a junior, and wrote the strongest paper in the course, a beautifully-researched analysis of Buffalo Bill’s treatment of his Native performers. This summer she will be working with Dr. Abigail Markwyn on a Pioneer Scholar project in which she will use her Spanish language skills to research the participation of Latin American nations and peoples in the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition. She will graduate from Carroll in December 2020, after which she intends to apply to and attend law school. We have no doubt she will succeed in that endeavor, and we wish her the best.”
— Dr. Abby Markwyn, Associate Professor of History
Chong Mo Pak Award
Winner: Carter Kowalski | History, Politics and Religion
This award recognizes the achievements of the outstanding graduating senior in political science.
“The Chong Mo Pak award goes to the outstanding political science major and this could be no other person than Carter Kowalski. Carter came to Carroll with a strong interest in politics and in political science; his time at Carroll has done nothing to diminish this interest and his engagement both in the field and in the department have impressed us time and again. Carter regularly enrolled in political science courses that would challenge him to look at politics from a host of different perspectives and approaches, exploring the political world through the lenses of political theory, popular culture, international relations, American institutions, the law, and he keeps wanting more. This semester, Carter dove into his Capstone project, which examines second class citizenship in the United States. He chose this topic because it brought together his own experiences with other citizens within the American political environment and his thinking about how politics has and continues to operate in the United States. This thesis is a complex analysis of what it means to be a citizen in this country and why some individuals seem to enjoy more rights of citizenship than do others. Carter is always a lively advocate for Political Science and politics, and we expect that Carter will continue to enjoy and pursue a career path that will engage questions of politics, democracy, and equality, all of which are important dimensions of political science and contemporary civic engagement.
We will miss his energetic attitude and quick willingness to contribute to our department and mentor fellow students, but we know he will do great things in the future.”
— Dr. Lilly Goren, Professor of Political Science & Dr. Patty Rodda, Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations
Eugene Haugse Award
Winner: Jessica Zimpfer | History, Politics and Religion
This award recognizes the achievements of an outstanding pre-law student.
“What can you say about a student who sends you an ecstatic fan girl email about getting to see oral arguments at the Supreme Court!? Even when it means getting up at 3 a.m. to stand in line to snag a seat in the hallowed chamber of the Supreme Court of the United States??? Jess is an exceptionally driven student with high expectations for herself and for those around her. She has a deep love of the law and the prospect of spending her career engaged with legal issues and the law has driven a lot of her research and work while at Carroll and as she continues on at Marquette University law school in the fall. We know she will excel in law school as she has excelled at Carroll, where she has often designed her research projects so that they incorporate aspects of the law, the legal system, and the judiciary. This work has not only deepened her knowledge of the legal field but has prompted her to consider aspects of the law from many dimensions and from sometimes unanticipated perspectives. Her capstone project this semester is another example of Jess’s interest in diving into legal issues, in this case, the death penalty, and finding that the research led her down a path analyzing the 8th Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment.
Jess is an extremely appropriate recipient of the Eugene Haugse Award for the student who is likely to attend law school. We know she will be successful in law school and in her career path in the legal profession. We will miss her in our classrooms and as one of the gaggle of political science, history, and global studies majors who work for our department and help to mentor students, but we look forward to hearing all about her successes.”
— Dr. Lilly Goren, Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Department of History, Politics and Religious Studies & Dr. Patty Rodda, Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Award
Winner: Guillermo Soto Andrade | History, Politics and Religion
This award recognizes academic achievement of the most outstanding senior majoring in philosophy, politics and economics, as selected by the PPE faculty.
George Wang Portfolio Award
Winner: Megan Batz | Visual and Performing Arts
This award is presented to the outstanding senior majoring in art. Learn more about George Wang.
“Megan Batz was chosen by the art faculty to receive the George Wang Portfolio Award because of her outstanding senior exhibition. Megan is a diligent and talented photographer who is committed to creating meaningful artwork. Her senior show required deep reflection upon a difficult change in her life. In turn, the work asks viewers to contemplate the uncertainty of their own lives. Megan received the Kay & Max Kurz Scholarship, also awarded by the art faculty, in 2018. Her strong work ethic helped her secure a competitive internship with Waukesha photographer, Bill Lemke. The art faculty are very proud of Megan’s accomplishments and we have been honored to work with her. Congratulations, Megan! We are excited to hear about the next phase of your life and career.”
— Prof. Amy Cropper, Professor of Art
Steven Puetzer Photography Award
Winner: Allison Calteux | Visual and Performing Arts
Steven Puetzer is a Carroll graduate with a career in stock photography. This award is presented to a senior photography major who has excelled in his or her development as a photographer.
“Allison Calteaux is receiving the Steve Puetzer Photography Award for her outstanding work in photography during her time at Carroll. Allison’s success in her chosen field has been impressive and consistent. A sample of her accomplishments include receiving the Hamilton Family Foundation Scholarship in 2018 and 2019, a Pioneer Scholarship Grant to do creative research with Professor Phil Krejcarek as a sophomore, a position as an RA in Carroll’s residence halls, and a competitive photography internship at Steinhafels. At the heart of Allison’s on-going recognition is her work ethic, leadership abilities and intelligent and sophisticated photography. The art faculty were very proud but not surprised to learn she has been accepted into the MFA Program in Photography at UWM beginning in fall 2020. It has been an honor to work with Allison. We wish her the best and look forward to hearing of her work at UWM! Congratulations, Allison!”
— Prof. Amy Cropper, Professor of Art
Laura Stroud Bartsch Music Award
Winner: Grace Graebel | Visual and Performing Arts
This award is presented to an outstanding music major through a gift to the university in memory of Laura Stroud Bartsch, alumna from the class of 1920, who loved fine music.
Harold R. and Kathryn Court Hamilton Scholarship Award
Winner: Analiesa Harbach | Visual and Performing Arts
This award is made in the name of Harold R. Hamilton '30, and his wife Kathryn Court Hamilton, to recognize an outstanding upperclassman music education major.
David B. Justin Outstanding Senior in Theatre Arts Award
Winner: Mark Morris | Visual and Performing Arts
This award recognizes outstanding leadership, professional growth, and academic excellence in theatre arts. It is named in memory of David B. Justin '87, who exemplified all these qualities while a student.
“Mark Morris showed up in my office doorway his freshman year (as an Accounting Major, mind you) asking to be involved backstage for LEGALLY BLONDE: THE MUSICAL. Little did we know that Mark would very quickly BECOME ‘the backstage’ for the Theatre Program – supporting every effort, event, decision and person without ever needing to ‘be seen’ and without ever taking credit for himself.
I don’t recall the exact moment Mark decided he wanted to be a Stage Manager and not an Accountant – I’m sure he remembers – but that’s the beauty of the entire situation…Mark suddenly, one day, became one of the most important and integral parts of a production team, and of the Theatre Program itself, without us even realizing it. Because he so seamlessly and effortlessly became the ultimate organizer, confidant, leader and colleague.
I could rattle off one million reasons Mark was the quickest unanimous vote for the David B. Justin Award ever to occur by the Theatre faculty. But instead I will thank him. For his positivity and enthusiasm, which were always present and perfectly understated. For his humor, which was full-of-zing and rarely misplaced...smiling. For his genuine care for our Program and our Art Form, which is a shining light that has never faltered. And for his journey to us and away from us, which was, and will be, an astounding one.
Mark, on behalf of the Theatre and Arts Management Program and all of its moving parts that I hope will not explode without you managing them, we’re so proud to present you with the David B. Justin Award for Outstanding Achievement in Academics + Artistry + Service. Congratulations!”
— Prof. Jennifer Dobby, Senior Lecturer of Theatre Arts and Chair of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts
Elliot Paul Sprung Excellence in Graphic Communication Scholarship Award
Winner: Isabel Islas | Visual and Performing Arts
Elliot P. Sprung was a painter and graphic artist of unique talent who utilized both the canvas and computer in the use of digital art to create images particularly influenced by nature, seascapes, and most notably the coral reef. This award, given in his memory, recognizes the most promising junior in the graphic communication program, as determined by the department faculty.
“Appearances can be deceiving. Upon first glance, Isabel Islas seems undoubtedly quiet, reserved, and unassuming; her work, however, is anything but that. Underneath that reserved exterior, however, runs a creative stream of energy that pushes her to create vibrant, original, and professional designs that reflect the efforts of much more seasoned designers.
'I have always been interested in art and design. When I was younger, my hands were stained with ink and paint as I kept on creating. As I grew older, I learned about digital design, and this allowed for me to expand my creativity,' said Isabel. High school gave her the opportunities to strengthen her abilities through designing posters, tickets, and the school yearbook; Isabel knew from the start that she wanted to pursue graphic design as she enrolled in Carroll University's GRC program that would eventually lead to a career path towards graphic design. 'My professors encourage me and challenge me in all that I do; I continue to learn new design techniques through each assignment and project,'' Isabel said. During her time at Carroll, Isabel has served as a web design intern as well as a graphic design intern for Carroll University Student Activities.
Whatever energy she doesn’t spend on graphic design projects, she serves the community by working with the Hunger Task Force, Feeding America, Feed My Starving Children, and highway cleanups — all part of her volunteer activities with Alpha Gamma Delta, her sorority.
Some of Isabel’s favorite projects during her time at Carroll University include her kinetic typography project and her Serenitea packaging project.”
— Prof. Dan Becker, Assistant Professor of Graphic Communication
Outstanding Graphic Communication Senior Award
Winner: Jesse Balay | Visual and Performing Arts
This award is presented to the Graphic Communications student who has exhibited superior skill sets and design knowledge in the GRC program as well as produced an outstanding body of work for companies and non-profits in the Waukesha area. The program faculty recognize that creativity and technological expertise is a gift, and those who can unleash it effectively and ethically are worthy of praise.
John V. Batha Memorial Scholarship Award
Winner: Haylee Albrecht | Biology
The John V. Batha Memorial Scholarship Award recognizes a student with exceptional promise of success in Field Biology. This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior.
James Stover/David Simpson Exceptional Merit in Psychology Award
Winner: Francesca Gambatese | Psychology
This award recognizes an outstanding student who demonstrates talent and exceptional merit in psychology as chosen by the chair of the Department of Life Sciences, psychology faculty members and the Director of Financial Aid.
Joseph Runkel Memorial Psychology Scholarship
Winner: Zachary Weis | Psychology
This scholarship provides support to recognize a student of outstanding merit in the psychology program. Criteria: Major in psychology is required. $2,000 honored award.
College of Arts and Sciences Adjunct Teaching Award
Winner: Michael Imes | College of Arts and Sciences
This award goes to the most outstanding adjunct faculty member, nominated by their department chair and selected by a committee of program representatives.
“It’s my pleasure to name Michael Imes as the recipient of the College of Arts and Sciences Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching for the 2019-20 academic year. The award recognizes part-time faculty members who have demonstrated a high level of effectiveness as an instructor in Carroll arts and sciences courses. To be eligible for the award instructors must use innovative pedagogical approaches, respond readily to student needs, and have a strong record of success in helping students achieve course learning outcomes. Michael’s work this semester in moving the very “hands-on” ceramics courses online demonstrates the ways in which he excels in all of those areas.”
— Charles Byler, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Religious Studies Award
Winner: Elaine Yarger and Kordell Brandenburg
This award is presented to a religious studies major or minor who has not only achieved academic success in the study of religion, but also has built on that knowledge for service to the community.
“Elaine’s enthusiasm enlivens every class she attends, and she regularly demonstrates her friendliness and generous spirit by organizing and leading study groups in several classes. As a Religious Studies and History double major, she researched topics ranging from the struggle for Buddhist women to reinstate women’s higher ordination in Theravada and Tibetan Buddhism, to anti-Catholic sentiment in London in the 17th and 18th centuries, a project she pursued as. Outside academia, Elaine used the skills she developed in her majors to help the First Congregational Church in Waukesha start up an archive during an internship, at the end of which she continued supporting the church organizing and storing their materials. Elaine is a member of the History Honors Society (Phi Alpha Theta), and a recipient of a Pioneer Scholarship Award (Summer 2019) as well as a History Humanities Fellow in Spring 2020.”
— Dr. Pascale Engelmajer, Associate Professor of Religious Studies
“Kordell is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Minor in Religious Studies. Kordell has been very active on campus. He was the President of CU InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and the Spiritual Life Senior Service Coordinator. He worked for four years for the University Chaplaincy in a variety of positions. He also has served on a number of mission trips, including to Florida, Georgia, Ecuador, and twice to Panama. During these trips, he has engaged in such activities as helping build churches, paint houses, clean floors and dig ditches. He has also run children and adult ministries, and led international students’ Bible study groups. Reverend McCord, our University Chaplain, described Kordell ‘as the student backbone of our programs.’”
— Dr. Pascale Engelmajer, Associate Professor of Religious Studies