Carroll Nursing Program Ranked #1 in Wisconsin by Nursing Process

Author: Kelly Gehringer

Published Date: 10/21/2021

Categories: Health Sciences Nursing University News

Carroll’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program was recently ranked the top BSN program in Wisconsin by Nursing Process, an online resource that helps nursing students explore education and career options to make better choices.
Carroll’s BSN program was ranked #1 in Wisconsin after Nursing Process evaluated 32 programs across the state.

Specifically, Carroll’s BSN program was recognized for nurturing the academic and career goals of nursing students. All BSN students receive financial assistance in some form and have the advantage of studying under faculty members who hold advanced degrees in the field of nursing.
Nursing Process also highlighted Carroll’s Cross-Cultural Experiences (CCE), which allows nursing students to travel and learn about diverse cultures on a global scale. 
Ultimately, this high ranking from Nursing Process showcases how Carroll makes nursing career aspirations a reality. Congratulations to outstanding faculty, administrators and students in the College of Health Sciences!
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