The 2020 Waukesha Colleges Science and Engineering Fair (WaCSEF) took place at Carroll University on February 22, 2020. WaCSEF is a southeast Wisconsin fair open to high school students and is a way for students to start in local fairs and progress to regional and state fairs.
Students and teams chose their project from a variety of disciplines, including physics, math, computer sciences, medicine and health, behavior and social science, biology, chemistry and biochemistry, environmental science, and engineering. Teams were also allowed to tailor a project to their specific STEM interests.
Dr. Joseph Piatt, Carroll University professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science, worked with fair organizers to host the event on campus.
Congrats to Grand Award winners Jacob Miron, Evan Kboskey and Seth Benson (Best of Fair Third Place; Rabia Ahmed and Katherina Maupin (Best of Fair Second Place); and Beatrice Youd (Best of Fair First Place).