Flight instructor guest lectures for aviation science class

Author: Carroll University

Published Date: 5/31/2018

Categories: Aviation Science

Aviation expert lecturing

Carroll University’s Aviation Science II course recently had the opportunity to hear certified flight instructor Dr. Paul Lupton lecture on the importance of the atmosphere and its impact on aviation science. The course was taught by Captain Tim Tyre, director of the aviation science program and retired member of the United States Navy.

Dr. Lupton spoke to the students on the wide-ranging influence of the atmosphere and how it specifically affects aviation. The class was taught about the atmosphere’s ability to enrich life while also being utilized for practical purposes, such as using wind turbines to produce renewable energy. Dr. Lupton then went on to explain how aviation science is heavily influenced by the atmosphere, specifically weather, describing in a detailed presentation how pilots assess possible danger. Students were able to learn how weather balloons, careful calculations and risk assessment can help them avoid disaster as Dr. Lupton involved them in his demonstrations.

To learn about the program, visit Carroll University's Aviation Science page.

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