Program Mission and Goals

The mission of the Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program is to educate physician assistants to provide comprehensive quality health care to all, to be respectful of patient values, to be committed to ethical principles and to be grounded in evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning. Graduates will contribute to the profession and their communities and be prepared to practice medicine in a variety of primary care settings in collaboration with physicians and other healthcare professionals. Graduates will also be prepared to provide service to medically underserved communities and diverse patient populations.

To achieve its mission, the Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program has the following three goals:

To develop highly-skilled primary care physician assistants who are prepared using an interdisciplinary approach and who:

  1. demonstrate the medical knowledge to provide optimal patient care
  2. regularly assess, evaluate and improve their patient care practices
  3. demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective information exchange with culturally diverse patients and families, professional associates, and a diverse health care system

Success in Achieving Program Mission and Goals

Goal 1: Graduates are prepared to demonstrate the medical knowledge to provide optimal patient care.

Major Outcome Measures

  • Five-year first-time PANCE pass rate that meets or exceeds the national average.
  • Summative End-of-Curriculum Exam (EOC) Class Mean Score meets or exceeds the national average (± 5 scaled points)
  • Final Class average cumulative GPA meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥ 3.33 on a 4-point scale)
  • Class average Preceptor evaluation score on student medical knowledge overall meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥ 7 on a 9-point scale indicating exceeding standards)
  • Class average Employer survey score on graduate’s medical knowledge overall meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥ 4 on a 5-point Likert scale indicating agreement with positive statements concerning the graduate’s medical knowledge). The Program began surveying employers for cohorts 2021
  • Class average Alumni survey score on graduate’s response on survey questions concerning the Program’s preparation with regard to medical knowledge for entry level PA practice meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥ 4 on a 5-point Likert scale indicating agreement with positive statements concerning medical knowledge preparation)
Actual Outcomes
  • Carroll University PA Program five-year first-time PANCE pass rate is 95% (2020-2024) compared to the national average of 93%--Program exceeds the national average.
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on the summative end-of-curriculum exam (EOC) class mean score for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2023, and 2024. It met the benchmark for cohort 2022. (See Table I Below)
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average cumulative GPA for cohorts 2020-2024. (See Table I Below)
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average Preceptor evaluation scores on medical knowledge, overall for cohorts 2020-2024. (See Table I Below)
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average Employer survey score on graduate’s medical knowledge, overall for cohorts 2021-2023 (survey response rate was 25% for cohort 2021, 26% for cohort 2022 and 28% for cohort 2023). Data for cohort 2024 is being collected. (See Table I below)
  • Carroll University PA Program met or exceeded its benchmarks on class average Alumni survey scores with respect to graduate’s response to medical knowledge preparation for entry level PA practice in the majority of the medical knowledge areas surveyed for cohorts 2020-2024 as shown in Table II below:

Table I: Outcome Measure Data

Outcome Measure
Program Benchmark
Class of 2020 Mean Class Score
Class of 2021 Mean Class Score
Class of 2022 Mean Class Score
Class of 2023 Mean Class Score
Class of 2024 Mean Class Score
Outcome Measure:Summative EOC exam (national mean)
Program Benchmark:≥ National Mean Score (±5 scaled pts)
Class of 2020 Mean Class Score:1525 (1495)
Class of 2021 Mean Class Score:1502 (1495)
Class of 2022 Mean Class Score:1517 (1519)
Class of 2023 Mean Class Score:1535 (1519)
Class of 2024 Mean Class Score:1530 (1516)
Outcome Measure:Final GPA
Program Benchmark:≥ 3.33
Class of 2020 Mean Class Score:3.67
Class of 2021 Mean Class Score:3.62
Class of 2022 Mean Class Score:3.66
Class of 2023 Mean Class Score:3.81
Class of 2024 Mean Class Score:3.73
Outcome Measure:Preceptor Evaluation of Student Medical Knowledge
Program Benchmark:≥ 7 out of 9
Class of 2020 Mean Class Score:8.1
Class of 2021 Mean Class Score:8.0
Class of 2022 Mean Class Score:8.3
Class of 2023 Mean Class Score:8.1
Class of 2024 Mean Class Score:8.2
Outcome Measure:Employer Evaluation of Graduate Medical Knowledge
Program Benchmark:≥ 4 out of 5
Class of 2020 Mean Class Score:Not Done
Class of 2021 Mean Class Score:4.3
Class of 2022 Mean Class Score:4.8
Class of 2023 Mean Class Score:5.0
Class of 2024 Mean Class Score:In-Progress

Table II: Alumni Survey Data

Medical Knowledge Area
Class of 2020 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%)
Class of 2021 Mean Scores N=8/19 (42%)
Class of 2022 Mean Scores N=18/24 (75%)
Class of 2023 Mean Scores N=15/28 (54%)
Class of 2024 Mean Scores N=8/31 (26%)
Medical Knowledge Area:Anatomy & Physiology
Class of 2020 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.1
Class of 2021 Mean Scores N=8/19 (42%):3.9
Class of 2022 Mean Scores N=18/24 (75%):4.5
Class of 2023 Mean Scores N=15/28 (54%):4.5
Class of 2024 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.0
Medical Knowledge Area:Pharmacology
Class of 2020 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.1
Class of 2021 Mean Scores N=8/19 (42%):4.0
Class of 2022 Mean Scores N=18/24 (75%)r:4.2
Class of 2023 Mean Scores N=15/28 (54%):4.5
Class of 2024 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):3.4
Medical Knowledge Area:Overall Problem-Solving Ability
Class of 2020 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.3
Class of 2021 Mean Scores N=8/19 (42%):4.3
Class of 2022 Mean Scores N=18/24 (75%)r:4.8
Class of 2023 Mean Scores N=15/28 (54%):4.7
Class of 2024 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.0
Medical Knowledge Area:Diagnostic Test Selection
Class of 2020 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):3.8
Class of 2021 Mean Scores N=8/19 (42%):4.4
Class of 2022 Mean Scores N=18/24 (75%)r:4.5
Class of 2023 Mean Scores N=15/28 (54%):4.5
Class of 2024 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.2
Medical Knowledge Area:Analysis of Findings/Tests
Class of 2020 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.2
Class of 2021 Mean Scores N=8/19 (42%):4.1
Class of 2022 Mean Scores N=18/24 (75%)r:4.6
Class of 2023 Mean Scores N=15/28 (54%):4.5
Class of 2024 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.4
Medical Knowledge Area:Formulation of Differential Dx
Class of 2020 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.6
Class of 2021 Mean Scores N=8/19 (42%):4.1
Class of 2022 Mean Scores N=18/24 (75%)r:4.8
Class of 2023 Mean Scores N=15/28 (54%):4.8
Class of 2024 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.6
Medical Knowledge Area:Critical Thinking Skills Utilization
Class of 2020 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.5
Class of 2021 Mean Scores N=8/19 (42%):4.5
Class of 2022 Mean Scores N=18/24 (75%)r:4.8
Class of 2023 Mean Scores N=15/28 (54%):4.7
Class of 2024 Mean Scores N=14/20 (70%):4.6

*Collection for Class of 2024 still in progress; therefore, data averages shown only for 26% of alumni collected thus far

Goal 2:  Graduates are prepared to regularly assess, evaluate and improve their patient care practices.

Major Outcome Measures
  • Two components of the summative evaluation, including the capstone research paper and the performance improvement project, are utilized, in part, to assess the student’s ability to regularly assess, evaluate and improve patient care practices through an evidence-based approach (practice-based learning and improvement). Success on the Program achieving goal 2 is measured by class average scores on these assessments meeting or exceeding Program benchmarks (≥ 83%)
  • Class average Preceptor evaluation score on practice-based learning and improvement overall (including sub-division scores on good initiative, responds to feedback positively, and appropriate research to optimize patient care) meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥ 7 on a 9-point scale indicating exceeding standards)
  • Class average Employer survey score on practice-based learning and improvement overall (including subdivision scores on application of scientific data and ability to interpret the medical literature/apply effectively in treatment plan) meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥ 4 on a 5-point Likert scale indicating agreement with positive statements concerning practice-based learning and improvement). The Program began surveying employers for cohorts 2021
  • Class average Alumni survey score on graduate’s response on survey questions concerning the Program’s preparation with regard to practice-based learning and improvement for entry level PA practice meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥ 4 on a 5-point Likert scale indicating agreement with positive statements concerning practice-based learning and improvement)
Actual Outcomes
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average scores for the capstone paper and performance improvement project for cohorts 2020-2024. The class average capstone research paper score was 96%, 94%, 94%, 95%, and 96% for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, respectively. The class average capstone performance improvement project was 98%, 95%, 98%, 99% and 96% for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, respectively.
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average Preceptor evaluation scores on practice-based learning and improvement for cohorts 2020-2024. Overall class average survey scores for this area surveyed were 8.7, 8.7, 8.5, 8.8, and 8.7 for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, respectively. 
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average Employer survey score on graduate’s practice-based learning and improvement, for cohorts 2021-2023. The employer survey for cohort 2024 is currently in progress. Overall class average scores for this area surveyed were 4.8, 4.9, and 5.0 for cohorts 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively. Survey response rate was 25% for cohort 2021, 26% for cohort 2022, and 28% for cohort 2023.
  • Carroll University PA Program met or exceeded its benchmarks on class average Alumni survey scores with respect to graduate’s response to practice-based learning and improvement preparation for entry level PA practice. Overall class average survey scores for this area surveyed were 4.0, 4.1, 4.27, and 4.5 for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively. Survey response rate was 70%, 42%, 75%, and 54% for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 respectively. Data collection for the alumni survey of cohort 2024 is still in progress (thus far, data has been collected for only 26% of the alumni in cohort 2024 with an average survey score for practice-based learning and imporvment preparation of 3.38, thus far not meeting the Program's benchmark).
Goal 3: Graduates are prepared to demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective information exchange with culturally diverse patients and families, professional associates, and a diverse health care system.

Major Outcome Measures
  • Didactic year students (through IPE experiences) and clinical year students (during rotations in family medicine and internal medicine) have an opportunity to rotate through medically underserved clinics including the Waukesha Free Clinic at Carroll University where they are exposed to a diverse patient and clinical staff population. The Program’s benchmark is that all didactic and clinical students are exposed to a diverse health care system. The Program tracks the number of medically underserved (diverse) patient encounters per student for each cohort.
  • The summative OSCE assessment measures interpersonal communication skills overall and especially with respect to culturally diverse patient populations (case simulations involve medically underserved patient encounters). Success on the Program achieving goal 3 is measured by class average scores on the summative OSCE meeting or exceeding Program benchmarks (≥ 83%).
  • Class average Preceptor evaluation score on student sensitivity to cultural, age, gender, and disability issues meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥ 7 on a 9-point scale indicating exceeding standards)
  • Class average Employer survey score on graduate sensitivity to cultural, age, gender, and disability issues meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥ 4 on a 5-point Likert scale indicating agreement with positive statements concerning cultural sensitivity). The Program began surveying employers for cohorts 2021
  • Class average Alumni survey score on graduate’s response on survey questions concerning the Program’s preparation with regard to sensitivity to a diverse patient population for entry level PA practice meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (≥4 on a 5-point Likert scale indicating agreement with positive statements concerning sensitivity to diverse populations preparation).
  • Class average Preceptor survey scores, Employer survey scores, and Alumni survey scores on survey questions concerning the effectiveness of interpersonal and communication skills overall and in all categories (including effective communication with patients and medical staff) meets or exceeds Program benchmarks (Preceptor survey score ≥ 7 on a 9 -point scale; Employer survey score ≥ 4 on a 5-point scale; Alumni survey score ≥ 4 on a 5-point scale). 
Actual Outcomes
  • All didactic and clinical students since cohort 2020 have had the opportunity to rotate through clinics that primarily care for medically underserved (including diverse) patient populations. The number of medically underserved encounters (including diverse patient populations) per clinical student ratios include 50:1 (cohort 2020), 74:1 (cohort 2021), 166:1 (cohort 2022), 180:1 (cohort 2023), and 188:1 (cohort 2024). The exclusive partnership with the Waukesha Free Clinic at Carroll University, which began for cohort 2021, continues to grow ensuring our students will care for increasing numbers of medically underserved and diverse patients in order to better understand the importance of cultural competency, social determinants of healthcare, and diversity sensitivity.
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average scores for the summative OSCE for cohorts 2020-2024. The class average score was 87%, 89%, 90%, 90%, and 88% for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 respectively.
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average Preceptor evaluation scores on student’s sensitivity to cultural, age, gender, and disability issues for cohorts 2020-2024. Class average scores for this area surveyed were 8.7, 8.7, 8.8, 8.8 and 8.8 for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, respectively.
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average Employer survey score on graduate’s sensitivity to cultural, age, gender, and disability issues for cohorts 2020-2024. Class average scores for this area surveyed were 5.0, 4.8, and 5.0 for cohorts 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively. Survey response rate was 25% for cohort 2021, 26% for cohort 2022, and 28% for cohort 2023. The employer survey for cohort 2024 is currently in progress.
  • Carroll University PA Program met or exceeded its benchmarks on class average Alumni survey scores with respect to graduate’s response to how well the Program prepared graduates for entry level PA practice with regard to sensitivity to a diverse patient population. Class average scores for this area surveyed were 4.7, 4.3, 4.1, 4.7, and 4.4 for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 respectively. Survey response rate was 70%, 42%, 75%, 54%, and 26% for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 (survey still in progress) respectively. 
  • In addition, Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average Preceptor evaluation scores, Alumni survey scores, and Employer survey scores with respect to effectiveness of interpersonal and communication skills overall and in all categories (including effective communication with patients and medical staff) for cohorts 2020-2023. For the Class of 2024, the Program exceeded its benchmarks for average Preceptor scores for this area surveyed. Data collection for the Class of 2024 with respect to this surveyed area is in progress with respect to the Employer and Alumni Surveys. Response rates on surveys shown above. The Employer survey was initiated for cohort 2021. Overall class average scores on the Preceptor survey for this area surveyed were 8.8, 8.7, 8.8, 8.7, and 8.8 for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, respectively. Overall class average scores on the Alumni survey for this area surveyed were 4.7, 4.3, 4.6, and 4.7 for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively. Overall class average scores on the Employer survey for this area surveyed were 4.9, 4.9, and 5.0 for cohorts 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively.
Common Component to Goals 1-3: Graduates are prepared to use an interdisciplinary approach.

Major Outcome Measures
  • Didactic students have the opportunity to participate in interprofessional activities with PT, OT, nursing, and AT students. The PA Program has developed activities including Hispanic community wellness clinics, mental health first aid clinics, pediatric obesity clinics, and dementia clinics. The majority of these activities take place at the Waukesha Free Clinic at Carroll University with medically underserved patient populations. The Program’s benchmark is that all didactic year students participate in IPE experiences with appropriate student assessments
  • Class average Preceptor evaluation score on student demonstration and recognition of interprofessional understanding and collaboration (working as part of a team) meeting or exceeding Program benchmarks (≥ 7 on a 9-point scale indicating exceeding standards)
Actual Outcomes
  • All didactic students have participated in interprofessional activities since cohort 2020 with appropriate faculty supervision and student assessments as shown in Table III below:

Table III: IPE Activities Data

Graduating Class (IPE Activity)
IPE Participation (Students Participating/Total Students
Student Assessment
Graduating Class (IPE Activity):Class of 2020 (HRSA-PCTE grant, wellness in Hispanic community)
IPE Participation (Students Participating/Total Students):20/20 (100%)
Student Assessment:20/20 students satisfactorily completed all elements (met expectations)
Graduating Class (IPE Activity):Class of 2021 (HRSA-PCTE grant, wellness in Hispanic community)
IPE Participation (Students Participating/Total Students):19/19 (100%)
Student Assessment:19/19 students satisfactorily completed all elements (met expectations)
Graduating Class (IPE Activity):Class of 2022 CHS coordinated IPE activities at WFC (wellness, mental health first aid, in diverse populations)
IPE Participation (Students Participating/Total Students):24/24 (100%)
Student Assessment:24/24 students satisfactorily completed all elements (met expectations) for specific IPE activity
Graduating Class (IPE Activity):Class of 2023 CHS coordinated IPE activities at WFC (wellness, mental health first aid, in diverse populations)
IPE Participation (Students Participating/Total Students):28/28 (100%)
Student Assessment:28/28 students satisfactorily completed all elements (met expectations)for specific IPE activity
Graduating Class (IPE Activity):Class of 2024 CHS coordinated IPE activities at WFC (wellness, mental health first aid, in diverse populations)
IPE Participation (Students Participating/Total Students):31/31 (100%)
Student Assessment:31/31 students satisfactorily completed all elements (met expectations) for specific IPE activity
  • Carroll University PA Program exceeded its benchmarks on class average Preceptor evaluation scores on student’s demonstration and recognition of interprofessional understanding and collaboration for cohorts 2020-2024. Class average scores for this area surveyed were 8.8, 8.7, 8.8, 8.8, and 8.8 for cohorts 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, respectively.  
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