Goren Interviewed on BBC Program

Author: Carroll University

Published Date: 10/30/2020

Categories: Faculty and Staff Global Studies Political Science University News

Lilly Goren Photo
Lilly Goren
Global studies and political science professor Lilly Goren appeared on the internationally-broadcast BBC World Service's Newsday program on October 29. The report focused on how women are likely to vote in the pivotal Wisconsin WOW (Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington) counties in the November 3 election. The news crew traveled to Waukesha and greater southeast Wisconsin to interview area women to get their personal take on the presidential candidates.

Listen to the program
(The news segment, featuring Goren, begins at 14:08.)

Goren is a regular political commentator for both local and national media outlets, including USA Today. She earned her A.B. in political science and English from Kenyon College and has an M.A. and a Ph.D. in political science from Boston College.

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