Clockwise: Elaina Barr, Michael Johnston, Daniel McIntyre and Mark Wallen
The entire Office of Information Technology (OIT) team put in many hours and used every ounce of expertise at their disposal to ensure Carroll students, faculty and staff could complete the spring semester on time. OIT managers noted extraordinary contributions by employees in quotes below:
Elaina Barr
“Elaina Barr has really gone above and beyond during these times to ensure that our staff, faculty and students understand how to use our technology. She has stepped up to the challenge to learn and understand many new technologies she hasn’t worked with before. Through her quick learning abilities, she has been able to turn around and train our campus on these new technologies. She has been a cornerstone for making sure our campus has been successful in this technology transition.”
Michael Johnston
“Michael Johnston has done an excellent job shifting gears to cover the Help Desk shifts during the most difficult time, and he also dealt with many event matters at the same time. This is something he hasn’t done since he started working at Carroll last July. He has demonstrated his flexibility, his skills for quick leaning and his ability to adapt to change. Without him on the team, the support transition wouldn’t have been as smooth.
Daniel McIntyre and Mark Wallen
“While there were others involved, Mark Wallen and Daniel McIntyre were the two driving forces, and main reasons, that we’re able to have the successful virtual lab for students and faculty to use during this time. Normally, you would take a few months to thoroughly research everything when moving to a virtual desktop infrastructure. This research would include best practices, new techniques and reaching out to all the software vendors to find out if there are any support/usability issues when moving virtual among other things.
“Given that that time didn’t exist, the two of them were able to pull it off in a week’s time, often putting in more than 10 hours a day. Both of them also have younger children at home, so that made it extra taxing on them to get it done while working remotely. It was truly an amazing feat to have accomplished what they did given the time frame.”