What made you choose this major?
I’ve been interested in the criminal justice system since I was a kid and I’ve always wanted to help people. I’m very interested in law and I’ve chosen the legal path to help people; I’ll be going to law school in 2018. I specifically chose to major in criminal justice because I figured the best way to help people in the legal/justice field is to know how the system works, the system’s problems and ways to fix the issues.
How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?
Many courses within my major discuss theories on why some people are criminals and ways to fix or prevent crime. Learning about these topics helped me understand the system when I’ve been working in the field. I interned with the Waukesha County DA’s office my final semester and I saw and heard others discuss the topics we covered in my classes. I’ve also seen solutions we discussed in action. Specifically, in my corrections class we learned how rehabilitation is very important and has been successful at reducing recidivism. Waukesha County’s Drug Treatment Court was created based on studies that have shown its success and it was really amazing to know that people working in the CJ system actually look at research and have implemented change based on proven success.
What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member and what impact has that had on your education?
Carroll gives students personal attention from faculty, and small class sizes allow that attention. I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to conduct research with Dr. Jennifer Huck. I’ve been able to use what I’ve learned in the classroom in real life situations such as creating questions to interview actual participants for our research. Our research study has also expanded my knowledge because I was able to work with and get to know real people who have been incarcerated.
What’s one of the most unique experience you’ve had relating to the coursework in your major?
In my Criminal Procedure, Evidence and Investigation class we had the amazing opportunity to tour the Milwaukee Crime Lab. It was a rare opportunity because they usually don’t let people take tours. We toured the ballistics and firearms division where there’s a room filled ceiling to floor with guns that have been confiscated in Milwaukee. They also showed us the forensic vehicles they have for when forensic scientists are called to crime scenes.
How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person outside of the skills you’re learning in the classroom?
I’ve been able to participate in student/faculty research and serve on Carroll’s Student Conduct Board.
I recommend getting involved and taking advantage of opportunities that come your way. You never know what experiences you’ll have or the relationships that you’ll develop.
Are you happy with your choice of attending Carroll University?
I’m very happy I chose to come to Carroll. I have had some amazing experiences that I’ll never forget. I’ve also had to opportunity to build lifelong relationships with professors that I don’t think I could have had at a larger school.
Learn more about the Criminal Justice program