Participants | (in)sight: a portrait project
Thank you to the participants of (in)sight: a portrait project.
- Maria Acosta, student
- Saraina Adam, student
- Anjana Adhikari, student
- Taylor Albright, student
- Nikki Amini, student
- Megan Baker, staff
- Isabelle Banke, student
- Hayley Bartlein, student
- Jaryn Bear, student
- Caleb Beres, student
- Elizabeth Brzeski, staff
- Madeline Buchta, student
- Eleni Caprio, student
- Meg Caracci, faculty
- Shea Carmichael, student
- Liz Casciato, student
- Scott Celsor, faculty
- Wade Chamberlin, student
- Liz Cichanofsky, student
- Clara Clifford, student
- Amanda Collette, student
- Kaitlyn Cornella-Carlson, student
- Amy Cropper, faculty
- Sean Cunningham, student
- John Davis, student
- Saskia de Rooy, artist in residence
- Sadie DeGrand, student
- Dan DeMerit, staff
- Gerard DePons, staff
- Ronald Dignadice, student
- Taylor Dlapa, student
- Loey Dodge, student
- Julia Dolata, student
- Elysia Dowd, student
- Brittany Drag, student
- Desirae Dunn, student
- Kent Earl, student
- Grace Egan, student
- Jake Eisch, staff
- Amanda Elkins, student
- Czarina Encarnacion, staff
- Carl Ervin, staff
- Makenzie Ferguson, student
- Susan Foster, staff
- Michelle Franke, student
- Greg Gabrielson, faculty
- Paul Gagliardi, faculty
- James Gannon, faculty
- Bob Garcia, staff
- Leah Garrison, student
- Kayla Geissberger, student
- Kate Gentry, student
- Cindy Gnadinger, president
- Ashley Goetz, student
- Jon Gordon, faculty
- Samantha Grosenick, student
- Jocelyn Guzman, staff
- Anna Hansis, student
- Jamie Hanson, faculty
- Skylar Harmsen, student
- Abbi Hess, student
- Holly Hoeppner, student
- Troy Howat, student
- Tlaloc Huerta, student
- Griffin Idelman, student
- Rebecca Imes, faculty
- Michael Imes, faculty
- Emilie James, student
- Michael Jankovic, student
- Casaundra Johnson, student
- Amber Johnson, student
- Jaylyn Jones, student
- Lara Karpenko, faculty
- Chris Keefe, student
- J.J. Keels, student
- Deirde Keenan, faculty
- Bethany Kelly, student
- Brooke Keltner, student
- Emma Kern, student
- Benyapa Khowpinitchai, student
- Steph Kilen, faculty
- Maureen Klopp, student
- Emily Korb, student
- Brandon Koster, staff
- Linda Kowalewski, student
- Corey Kowalski, student
- Ashley Labodda, student
- Natalie Lange, student
- Valarie Lange, student
- Jessie Lehmann, student
- Morgan Levene, student
- Cassidy Lavenhagen, student
- Ricky Lichman, student
- Peter Loose, faculty
- Su Yi Lynn, student
- Karen Maahs, student
- Jessica Mattan, student
- Brittany McClellan, student
- Kailey McDade, student
- Sara Meyer, staff
- David Meza, student
- Tiffany Moore, student
- Paul Moran, community member
- Sarah Moyer, student
- Jessica Mueller, student
- Cassidy Neefe, student
- Travis Neils, student
- Julia Nelson, student
- Michaela Nighbor, student
- Alexandra Olson, student
- Mikaela Oss, student
- Jasmine Palacios, student
- Melissa Palacios, student
- Erin Paschke, student
- Joanne Passaro, provost
- Natasha Pellegrini, student
- Jessica Perez, student
- Kylie Peters, student
- Mia Pham, student
- Joe Piatt, faculty
- Emily Poffinbarger, student
- Alyssa Polewaczyk, student
- Claire Pomey, student
- Lynn Preston, community member
- Kelly Pringle, student
- Ashley Prosken, student
- Hannah Prosser, student
- Anna Redding, student
- Kimberly Redding, faculty
- Barbara Reinhart, community member
- Leah Robertson, student
- Alex Rodriguez, student
- Ryan Rozanski, student
- Isabella Ruggiero, student
- Maxx Sandstrom, student
- Hannah Savage-Cooper, student
- Monica Schoenfeldt, student
- Tiffany Schutte, student
- Dawn Scott, Staff
- Samantha Seybold, student
- David Simpson, faculty
- Pacia Sallomi, faculty
- Claudia Spice, student
- Linda Spice, staff
- Zachary Staszewski, staff
- Carole Stein, staff
- Nathan Stanley, student
- Shelby Stephan, student
- Mandy Stephens, staff
- Michael Stock, faculty
- Sarah Stock, student
- Alex Straszewski, student
- Katie Sweeney, student
- Tori Tasch, community member
- Erica Tebon, student
- Thitikan Thianjan, student
- Amelia Thiry, student
- Maggie Treants, student
- Gert Ullsberger, staff
- Taylor Uselmann, student
- Joey Valla, student
- Jocelyn Van Pay, student
- Rachel Verhoef, student
- Hailey Von, student
- Megan Wagoner, student
- Tuna (Rosalie) Wallace, staff
- Mark Wampfler, student
- Ann Warzyn, staff
- Allison Winters, student
- Grant Wuerslin, student
- Elaine Yarger, student
- Angela Zakreski, student
- Amanda Zarder, student
- Ted Zindars, student
- Natalya Zinkevich, faculty