Please consider using this webform to share the names of any relevant contacts for your gift intention. Providing Carroll the name and contact information for a relevant financial institution, attorney, or a family member could prove extremely beneficial. Although providing this contact information is of course optional, it can also help ensure your intentions are honored and fulfilled. You can find that webform here.
We will be in touch to share gratitude once again for your gift intention and to confirm we are able to fulfill your stated intentions. Please note the following:
  • The information you have shared will be kept strictly confidential. 
  • This form is of course non-binding. We understand you may change your plans at any time. 
  • In celebration of your generosity, your gift intention may be added to a reunion class gift or the university’s next comprehensive fundraising campaign.
  • This information also establishes you as a member of the 1846 Legacy Society. 
Should you have further questions or wish to discuss further gift planning, please contact us at or 262-524-7241. 
Carroll University is a Pioneer—Wisconsin’s first, four-year institution of higher learning. From 1846 forward, we’ve been helping generations of students like you discover their unique place in the world. Our students are seekers, explorers. They are driven by curiosity, fueled by the desire to better themselves and our world. Our family of donors makes the education Carroll offers possible. Thank your for playing your part in Carroll University’s philanthropic tradition.

With gratitude, 
Chuck Demler 
Director of Gift Planning
Carroll University
Panoramic View of campus