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People sitting in group

Carroll announces master's in Behavioral Health

Carroll University is helping to address the severe shortage of mental health professionals by offering a new Master of Science in Behavioral Health Psychology degree for fall 2021.

Kelly Monroe

Kelly Monroe M.Ed. '19 brings master's capstone to life

It took only three months from the time Kelly Monroe M.Ed. '19 graduated with her Master of Education in Adult, Community and Professional Education degree from Carroll to put her final capstone project into action. Her aim: to bolster student success at Milwaukee Area Technical College, where she teaches in the funeral service program.

Classroom setting with Carroll University logo

Masters of Motivation

Four students reveal how they cope with the demands of graduate school.

Patrick Carter M.Ed. '19 and students

Mentor and students share same graduation day

When Patrick Carter walked the graduation stage in 2019 to receive his M.Ed. degree, it was with the pride in knowing that three of his former students from Carmen High School of Technology and Science would also be there - also receiving their bachelor degrees as Carroll graduates.

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Panoramic View of campus