The Rev. Elizabeth McCord
Prayer inspired by Luke 8:22-25 from the Christian Scriptures.
The waters rise. The wind blows. The thunder threatens.
We cannot stop this storm.
We cling to our boats, worried whether our vessels will stay afloat.
We tie down our sails, take shelter, brace for the tumult.
Still we are afraid.
Wake from your slumber, Faithful One.
Command the waves of infection to recede,
the raging winds of risk to quiet,
the chaos of this crisis to calm.
Still us, O God.
Reassure us with your gentle voice
and give us courage by your constant presence.
Make our bodies strong and our hearts stronger yet,
that we may face what comes
with vigilance and mercy, fortitude and compassion.
And remain by our side, holding us fast as one human family,
that we never find ourselves alone
or lost at sea.
We pray with trust in your steadfast love. Amen.