Coach Combs Featured in "Read with Me" series

Author: Carroll University

Published Date: 4/16/2020

Categories: Athletics Faculty and Staff Pioneers Persevere Social

SHARP Literacy's "Read With Me" series recently featured Carroll's own Head Men's Basketball Coach Paul Combs and Pio Pete as they read There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick. This SHARP Literacy program provides a unique opportunity for students to virtually read aloud with local sports figures and community leaders.

Video Ratio size 16 by 9 Carroll University Video

WTMJ Report

Members of the Carroll's men's basketball team were  featured during a January 2019 WTMJ4 news segment. Reporter Lance Allan covered the partnership of the men's basketball team with Sharp Literacy to inspire students to read in Waukesha County schools.

Watch the report here

Journal Sentinel Article

Jim Stingl, who recently retired from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, profiled men's basketball team alumni Ray Pierce and his work with Sharp Literacy in February 2019. 

Read the article on JSOnline

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