Greetings, fellow Pioneers!
Last month the Alumni Council held its first meeting since spring, and it was a delight to be back on campus and with fellow alumni in person! I know that students, faculty, and staff feel the same way, even if the pandemic has forced us to constantly redefine “normal.” This fall the Alumni Council welcomed new members Tanya Atkinson ’93, Symone (Russell) Baldwin ’16, Abbie Bottom ’16, ’18, Tyler Ratkowski ’13, ’15, and Jo Ann Warren ’74, and four new Student Alumni Ambassadors: Mary Antrim ’23, Cady English ’23, Rocco Rooney ’23, and Emily Zuleger ’23. We are all looking forward to another year of informing, serving, and engaging with alumni, both virtually and in person.
The next month will bring some great opportunities to connect (and re-connect) with your fellow alumni.
Homecoming & Reunion Weekend will take place October 14-17, featuring everything you want in a homecoming – a parade, tailgates, Pio football, and reunion gatherings. Tanya Atkinson ’93 and I will be staffing a Homecoming Resource Table in the Campus Center lobby on Sunday morning, so if you’re on campus, please stop by and say hello. Other alumni council members — Gregg Wandsneider '08, John Harrits '76, Barb King '87 and Griselda Macias '08 — will be there, too, throughout the weekend. We hope to see you there!
If you’re unable to make it back to campus, please consider participating in
Carroll’s annual Month of Service in November. Wherever you are, you can join other Carroll alumni, families and friends by providing time, talent or treasure to a cause that is close to your heart or to those living in need in your community. There are countless ways to share what you have with those in need. If you aren’t sure how you can contribute, use the
Service Toolkit to find an opportunity near you. However you choose to serve during the Month of Service,
please report back and share your contributions so we are able to capture and share all of the ways our Pioneers make a difference in their communities.
Finally, don’t forget to bookmark the
alumni events page for more opportunities to engage with the University, and your fellow alumni. I wish you a happy and healthy autumn, and hope to see you at Homecoming!