Alumni Council Corner | June 2021

Author: Ann Laatsch '88

Published Date: 6/4/2021

Categories: Alumni

Ann Laatsch

Happy almost-summer, fellow Pios!

Even though the Alumni Council is on its summer hiatus, we are still finding ways to connect with each other (virtual subcommittee work continues!) and with the University through numerous alumni events. I thought I’d use this month’s column as an opportunity to highlight some of these opportunities.

First off, June is Pride Month, and Carroll is holding a PRIDE Virtual Social to celebrate! It’s terrific to see Carroll sponsoring an event like this, and it reminds me that as scary as the world can feel at times, it is in many ways becoming more inclusive, loving, and kind. When I was a student, there were no Pride month observances that I was aware of. Fast forward to June 14, 2021, when Carroll students and alumni have the opportunity to come together to celebrate, honor, and show support for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies.

Carroll University strives to be an inclusive and welcoming community, and Pride celebrations provide an intentional opportunity to create a platform to share stories and experiences and to recognize LGBTQ+ Pioneers. ALL queer and ally voices from the Pioneer community are welcome to put on your rainbow gear, grab a refreshment, and join this online celebration. I hope to see you there.

Did you know that the Carroll Players, established in June of 1896, was the first student theatre organization in the state of Wisconsin, and is celebrating 125 years this month? Founded by May Rankin, the Carroll Players have a robust and colorful history on Carroll's campus as a leader in the arts and as a premiere student organization for generations of Pioneer performers. While I was not a theatre person in college, I was friends with many who were, and I’m constantly impressed by how many of them have gone on to interesting, high-profile, diverse, and meaningful careers in the theater and performing arts.

Finally, if you haven’t already, check out the Alumni Book Club, which meets virtually each month. Some months will feature a group read, like Barb (Hoops) Geiger ‘79’s memoir Paddle for a Purpose, which tells the story of her five-month Mississippi kayaking adventure. Barb will be joining the chat to talk about her experience and answer readers’ questions. Other months, like July, the book club is strictly BYO — bring your own book, that is. There won’t be a common read, which allows book club members and guests to share what they have been enjoying, learn about what others are reading, and maybe pick up a recommendation or two. If you’re looking to connect with alumni who enjoy reading as much as you do, please check it out.

I wish you all a happy, healthy summer, and hope to see you – virtually or in person – soon.


Panoramic View of campus