Nursing program is UCC’s Volunteer Group of the Year

Author: Carroll University

Published Date: 3/14/2017

Categories: Nursing University News



Carroll University nursing students were named one of the United Community Center’s (UCC) Volunteer Groups of the Year for their contributions towards ensuring students stay healthy and in the classroom learning throughout the school year.

For the past two years, the Carroll University Nursing Program has supported more than 1,300 students annually at the UCC’s in-school Health Center where they educate staff and students on diabetes, asthma, allergy awareness and prevention, playground safety, bullying and basic first aid. In 2016 they handled a total of 4,615 student visits and contributed more than 2,400 volunteer hours.

The UCC provides programs to Hispanics and near South side residents of all races and ages in education, cultural arts, community development, and health and human services in an effort to help individuals achieve their highest potential.

Carroll’s nursing students were honored along with other award winners at a recognition celebration on February 23 at the UCC. The program was represented by seniors Erin Treichel and Joshua Ramos, juniors Michelle Caballero and Gabrielle Courseault, and sophomore Christine Kopf. The group graciously accepted the award, acknowledging the incredible opportunity for service learning as well as the dedication of the staff and students at the UCC in contributing to the success of the partnership.

“We are grateful to the administration, teachers and families for allowing us the opportunity to provide health care and education to the students at the UCC schools,” said Karla Kwapil, clinical assistant professor nursing. “The nursing students and faculty also wish to express particular thanks to Allyson Rennebohm, school nurse, and Jimmy Lugo, health center assistant, for their dedication to the collaborative nature of the health center.  Working in the school health center is invaluable to our students as they gain skills to utilize throughout their professional practice.”

The partnership with the UCC has been stewarded by faculty and staff from the College of Health and Sciences including Karla Kwapil, Allyson Rennebohm, Jim Mikolajczak, Lisa Brandt, Jan Dargatz and Renee Bubrozek.

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