James Peter Matthews '80 and Debra (Ferguson) Matthews '70

Debra (Ferguson) '70 and James Peter '70 Matthews

It was Friday September 9, 1966, a little before 9 p.m. and there was a welcome to Carroll freshmen dance at the Van Male Gym. The dance was to end at 9 p.m. and we both arrived separately in time for the last dance. 

The men made circle facing out and the women made circle around the men facing in and rotated in opposite directions. When the music stopped you were to dance with the person across from you. Well when the music stopped, I looked down the line and saw a woman looking in my direction and instead of going to the person across from us we both walked to each other and I said, "Dearheart, I have been waiting for you all night," (all of five minutes).
This began a five-year romance that has grown to 55 years. I left Carroll the next year for the military and a tour of Vietnam but managed to get back for all of the Delta Zeta spring dances. Lots of letters and telephone calls in between and our 50th year of marriage is September 25, 2021. We have twin daughters and five grandchildren. We are looking forward to coming back to Carroll for our 50th class reunion in 2021, postponed from last year for some reason. 


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