Dig In with Dolores | December 2022 12/6/2022 This month Dolores Ocampo Brown '99, M.Ed. '10 reflects on the genuine care that the Pioneer community continuously shows to each other.
Alumnus feature Jeff Trader '73 | May Pruning Yields June Blooming 5/2/2022 As warmer weather envelopes the country, Jeff Trader ’73 has begun working in his 10 gardens, anticipating the summer months when his yard produces exquisite blooms. We picked his brain about gardening – he is a Master Gardener after all! – and hope these pointers are helpful to you as we collectively breathe in that fresh spring air.
Alumni Feature: Dean Vernon '86 and Lori (Lundell '85) Vernon 5/2/2022 Dean Vernon ’86 MS.Ed, decided a long time ago that he would never wait until a person's funeral to celebrate their life. Vernon decided Dr. Ralph Parsons needed to scratch two items off his bucket list!
Alumni Council Corner | February 2022 2/5/2022 Twenty-five thousand, give or take. That is the number of students whose lives were touched by Gert over the last 58 years. No last name is necessary to know who I’m writing about. This month’s Alumni Council column was going to feature an update on the council’s strategic plan. When we learned that the world lost Gert on January 26th, however, we knew there was only one topic that mattered.
John Heavey '14 takes on big tech, joins Facebook (now Meta) 12/5/2021 While growing up in suburban Illinois, John Heavey ’14 imagined a future as a lawyer, maybe a politician, perhaps a journalist, and acting was also in the mix. With so many career aspirations as a high schooler in 2009, social media was not yet on his radar as something he could do to make a living. That, though, is exactly what he is doing today after accepting a position as a program manager of new products at Facebook, now Meta.
Dig In with Dolores | December 2021 12/1/2021 The concept of “community” refers to a group of people unified by a common interest and shared social values and responsibilities. Carroll has always embodied this value of community but more than ever, this special community has come together in recent months.
Alumni Council Corner | November 2021 10/25/2021 Alumni Council Ann Laatsch '88 shares ways for alumni to get involved as we enter a season of thanks.
Alumni Council Corner | October 2021 10/6/2021 Alumni Council member Ann Laatsch '88 shares campus happenings and ways for alumni to engage with their alma mater.
dig in with dolores 8/6/2021 Senior Director of Alumni Engagement Dolores Ocampo Brown shares her thoughts on the start of a new academic year here at Carroll.
Dig In with Dolores | May 2021 5/1/2021 Senior Director of Alumni Engagement Dolores Ocampo Brown '99, M.Ed. '10 shares her perspective on the 2021 Commencement season.
Alumni Council Corner | April 2020 4/2/2021 Alumni Council member Ann Laatsch '88 celebrates four newly-elected Student Alumni Ambassadors and explores the history of this student role at Carroll.
Alumna shares gift card know-how 12/6/2020 Taking a chance on a new career path and new department, alumna Martha (Webber) Weaver ‘90 began a successful and adventurous career in the gift card industry.