Thinking About Data, Analysis, and Visualization and the Stories We Tell about Them
Carroll University proudly announces the transition to the public phase in its comprehensive Campaign to secure a monumental $100 million in support.
Waukesha, Wis. (Oct. 3, 2023) – Carroll University is proud to announce the new Dean of the School of Business, Timothy W. Sullivan. In this role, he will focus on building strong relationships with various partners in the business community. Additionally, he will be a public spokesperson for the growth and expansion of market-driven programs with a global focus, a hallmark of the student experience in the Carroll School of Business. He will promote student success and the competitiveness of Carroll University Business School graduates in this region and beyond.
Carroll’s School of Business and Technology welcomes new co-director to manage ABIC events, annual conference
Dr. Alexandra Sielaff Named MBA Director of Carroll University School of Business
Data visualizations are not all about the numbers. Some of the most interesting visualizations are not number driven but are idea driven. When I am asked to work for a client, I the first part of the conversation usually includes the request to “do analysis.” Often there is little more than that two-word phrase as part of the original request and conversation. I always press to know a little more and to get my client to talk about their problem.
Working with data and analysis is not easy and it can be dangerous. In 2015 I was asked to give a keynote address to the British Conference on Undergraduate Research. The audience was primarily undergraduate students who were presenting their research at the conference. I explained to them that they were brave because research and data analysis is not always popular. It is risky and puts you at peril.
I think I have put this blog off more times that I can count. Each time I come close to publishing something, events get in my way or something becomes more important. I had planned to start this last fall, but a sudden shift in work responsibilities meant that I had to concentrate on less data related matters. Those duties ended in January and I was all set to start in March 2020 and then the world changed.