Social Media Policy

Responsible Office or Person: Communications and Marketing
Approved: April 23, 2019
Related Law & Policy: Social Media Brand Standards


This policy applies to use of all Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts affiliated with Carroll University at the administrative or academic level (excluding student groups).

Policy Statement

All Facebook pages affiliated with Carroll University at the administrative and academic level (excluding student groups) will provide admin access to the Communications and Marketing Department Business Manager Facebook account to allow for backup page access in the event of unforeseen staff or faculty page manager changes or crisis communication. All other content management will remain in control of designated page managers.

All Twitter and Instagram accounts affiliated with Carroll University at the administrative and academic level (excluding student groups) will provide login credentials to the Communications and Marketing Department, which maintains a master list of all university social media accounts. All content management will remain in control of designated account managers.



Setting Up Accounts
All accounts created to represent a Carroll University academic program, team, club, etc. must be registered with Communications and Marketing. Follow these procedures to set up your account:
  • Schedule a meeting with Communications & Marketing to discuss logistics and receive help in building your strategy.
  • Open accounts with a university email account (… or …
  • List a university email account (… or … as the contact information for accounts
  • Designate a minimum of two administrators of the account(s) and report their names to Communications and Marketing. If you do not have another person in your interest area to act as an administrator, Communications & Marketing can serve as your secondary administrator.
  • Accept permission for the Carroll University Facebook Business Manager account to act as an Admin on the Facebook account(s).
  • Provide login credentials to the Communications and Marketing Department at for all Instagram and Twitter accounts affiliated with Carroll University at the administrative and academic level (excluding student groups).
Naming Accounts
  • All official university-related social media channels must include “Carroll University” or “CarrollU” in the title.
  • Registered student organizations must include “at Carroll University” or “at CarrollU.”
  • There are other universities and colleges named Carroll, so using just “Carroll” is not acceptable.
Accepted Facebook examples:
  • Carroll University Office of Communications & Marketing
  • CarrollU Men’s Swim Team
  • Carroll University Men’s Swim Team
Accepted Twitter/Instagram examples:
  • @CarrollU_MathClub
  • @ChessAtCarrollU
  • @ChessAtCarrollUniversity


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