Loan Programs | Financial Aid
Loans are available for both students and for parents.
National Student Loan Database
You should use this site ( to view information about all of your federal loans you have borrowed and federal grants you have received. Once you log in, you can get information on your outstanding loan balances, loan statuses and disbursements. Carroll University is required to inform borrowers that federal loans will be submitted to NSLDS and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system.
GradReady money management tools
Carroll University partnered with NorthStar Education Services to provide a free interactive financial literacy website that gives students tools to manage your tuition, budget, and bills. Learn more at
Federal Student Loan Repayment Guidance
The COVID-19 pandemic brought many unprecedented circumstances. With payments and interest accural on government-owned federal student loans paused since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, student loan borrowers have not been required to make payments for more than three years. This loan repayment pause has ended and repayment resumed in October 2023. Here are some videos to assist borrowers with repayment: